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Q1 - Update of 03/25/2022


1.) New phone number at JUMO Cloud Alarm: 0661-41095244

2.) Batch functionality available on the BETA version of the JUMO smartWARE SCADA: Two new widgets and a new configuration unit introduced. Upon request through Update available at JUMO.

Dashboard Widgets



3.) Setting of different time zones within the User Profile and Signal-Configuration available.

Dashboard Widgets

Configuration Signal




4.) Expanding settings in User Profile. It is now possible to set whether the application should open in the same browser tab or in a new one.


5.) Einladung von Benutzern, who are not logged in to the IoT platform is now possible. The invited person will then receive an email from the system with the option to register within 12 hours. If this time expires, he can still access the system via the forgotten password functions and his email account and follow the invitation.


6.) New functions adjustable in Widget: Single Signal.

Allows the conditions set in the signal to be viewed and edited in the dashboard.

Allows insight into which changes were made to the signal. Virtually a signal-related Control Operation Archive .

Allows to see the course of the signal during the day. Virtually a signal-related Widget: Live-Chart .


7.) Within the configuration unit Formulas, it can be checked by means of "hover" from which group the signal originates.


8.) Increase of user-friendliness by changing Header: smartWARE SCADA Menu and User Profile

9.) Hintergrundbilder of clients can now also be animated with a .gif file.

10.) With JUMO smartWARE SCADA, there is now the option of also using Container Desktop alternatively to Docker Desktop from version 1.1.7 onwards with Windows installations.

11.) In JUMO smartWARE SCADA, the Basic Configuration of the top client can now only be edited with the root user.

12.) Within the JUMO website, there is now the possibility to receive software updates on this and other release notes via newsletter.

Don't miss anything with our Software Update Newsletter.

13.) Bug-Fix and systems maintenance

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