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The Recipients are created individually with different options for contacting them.

The configuration unit can only be used if SCADA-Lizenz comprises the module "Standard notification" or "Extended notification".

  1. By selecting the "Recipient" button, you can edit a Recipient that was created earlier. A new Recipient is created via the Plus button.

  2. Assign the name of the Recipient in the Basic Configuration. The Description field is optional. For the salutation you can choose between Mr., Mrs. or a free text field. The first and last names are entered accordingly.

  3. Individual contacts are activated or deactivated via the "Activated" checkbox. Deactivated contacts do not receive notifications.

Contact Options




E-mail contact

The specified contact is stored with an e-mail address by which contact is made via e-mail.

Push over

Push over is a service that makes it possible to send push messages to an Apple or Android device. Notification service for real-time notification. A push over key is required.


The specified contact is stored with a cell phone number by which contact is made via SMS.


The specified contact is stored with a cell phone number by which contact is made via VOIP.

The function can only be used if the SCADA-Lizenz comprises the module "Extended notification".

Microsoft Teams

The specified contact is stored with a Teams ID and contacted or alerted via a JUMO bot. You will receive the ID after you have added the "JUMO Cloud Bot" (Teams App).

In this case, please contact your JUMO representative


The specified contact is stored with a user ID and contacted via a JUMO bot.


Bei SMS und VOIP muss die Ländervorwahl beachtet werden (z.B.: DE = "+49...")

For the name you can choose between the following options or assign your own name:

Private: Private phone number or cell phone number.

Business: Business phone number or cell phone number.

PrivateMail: Private e-mail notification.

BusinessMail: Business e-mail notification.

Individual contacts are activated or deactivated via the "Activated" checkbox. Deactivated contacts do not receive notifications. Contact options do not receive notifications.


Here you can view the Recipient Groups of which the selected contact is a member.

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