Q3 - Update of 10/01/2021
1.) New Widget: Event Management was created. The widget displays Event Definitions and allows you to enable or disable them from the Dashboard, and also change their category.

2.) Revised version of the Widget: Manuel Data Widget. New design - users now need the "Operate" Access Rights in order to be able to enter values.

3.) Revised version of the Widget: Entered Events and the notification overview.

Example using JUMO Cloud:

4.) New mobile view of the Dashboard. Widgets are displayed individually on the full size of the Dashboard and the user can connect through the widgets:

5.) New animations in the Process Image to display a chart or list of values (currently only convertible via XML Manager), soon in the JUMO Animator:

6.) The name of the selected Dashboard is now displayed in the header next to the name of the Client:

7.) New Widget: Iframe for embedding other websites was created.
8.) A timer was added to the Widget: Sankey Chart. This means that past processes (history) can now also be displayed.
9.) New recording monitoring was added for Signals. If a downtime or malfunction occurs, such an event can be triggered.

10.) Operating hours (how long a system or device is in operation) can now be integrated in the Process Image via the JUMO smartWARE SCADA (en).
11.) Missing English translations were added.
12.) The search function bar was removed temporarily for functional reasons.
13.) Bug fixes and small features to improve user-friendliness.
14.) PROFINET communication is now available as a Data connection via the JUMO variTRON's Cloud Gateway from firmware version 6 and can be configured via the JUMO Cloud.