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4.12 Update from

JUMO smartWARE SCADA Software Update

1.) With the brand new Widget: Event Pathway Map, the movement history of objects can now be displayed and analyzed on the map. In addition, signal values can be recorded event-based at event start S and event end E. This event history can be highlighted in color on the map. For example, the process of bilge water disposal (dumping) can be seamlessly mapped and verified for each ship.

2.) With the new release, signals and formulas from the JUMO smartWARE SCADA can be shared securely and flexibly with other third-party systems via REST API. Individual historical signal and formula values can be transferred. Live signal values can also be retrieved and setpoint values can be set. An API description has been created to use the REST API. The Connector tile has been added to the configuration for this purpose.

3.) Design and user interface (UI) adjustments

4.) Bugfix and system maintenance

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