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The Information tab provides information on the last archiving run

Archiving is the permanent storage of electronic data, in this case the data from the Datastore (Cold Data).

The following information is displayed in this tab:

  • Last archiving run

  • Archived files

  • Status

  • Data archived up to this date

Clicking the "Archive now" button can initiate manual archiving in the background.

Memory requirement overview

The Memory requirement overview tab shows how much memory is consumed by archiving

Archiving per device

The Archiving per device tab shows which device data/days were archived.

Data that was already archived can be made available again here for smartWARE evaluation.

Archive data for the month is listed in the lower area per day. With the lower button "Provide data from ...", archive data for the selected day can be provided again in the Datastore as Cold Data.  Restoration takes place in the background. While the data for one day is being restored, the restoration of additional days can be started.

The current status can be identified via the messages "being restored" and "restored". Restored data remains in the archive. The Cold Data in the Datastore from restored data is automatically removed after 48 hours.

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