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Automatic backup

  • Change of file “docker-compose.yml”

  • Search in section “services → mongo”

  • Adding safety index “volumes → - ./backup:/backup”

  • Adding safety settings “environment”

– BACKUP=true

– CYCLE=30 12 * * *

Syntax is based on crontab*_ and sets the cycle time of backup.

– User name = root

– Password=*******

Optional: Restart of Mongo service with PowerShell or Linux Terminal command “docker-compose restart mongo” to activate changes

docker-compose restart mongo
  • Automatic generation of the Mongo database, as *.gz-file

File path



MongoDB Database backup

Manual backup

Manual copy of SCADA file

Copying the SCADA folder NOT allowed when the SCADA application is running → risk of a corrupted Mongo database

Please adhere to the following procedure:

  • Stop SCADA application with the command:

docker-compose down
  • Copy SCADA file

  • Restart of SCADA application with the command

docker-compose up –d

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