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Own alerting services can be configured within a tenant. Optionally, the set service can also be inherited by sub-tenants.

If no new "providers" are entered, the known "default" providers are used for alarming.

The Messagelines can be set in the recipient.



Please contact JUMO to create your own SMS messageline. We recommend


Please contact JUMO to create your own Pushover messageline.


Please contact JUMO to create your own Teams Bot.


To create your own individuell alarm-bot on Telegram (incl. own logo and text), you need to contact the BotFather (@BotFather), which is essentially a bot used to create other bots. After the BotFather creates your Bot you will get a Bot-ID. You can enter this bot ID in our system to receive an alert from this bot.

The BotFather will give you all information you need to individualize your bot.

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