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Section time setpoint

This part describes the parameters of the section time setpoint.



In use

This switch defines the visibility of the section time setpoint in smartWARE Program and the visualization.
If the switch is active, the setpoint of the section time is displayed together with the time format and the icon, which are defined
in 'Inputs and outputs'.

Min. value

This value defines the smallest possible input value for the section time.

Max. value

This value defines the largest possible input value for the section time.

Section time link 1/2

Each of these selections define an interaction when the section time input value is accepted. Possible selections are:

  • ‘No link’ (default) defines that no interaction takes place

  • ‘Only one valid setpoint’ means that the defined ‘Setpoint’ is deleted when the section time is entered.

Setpoint 1/2

Each of these selections defines a setpoint with which the defined interaction, takes place.

The section time setpoint must be configured in the JUMO smartWARE Setup variTRON. They can be found as follows:
Configuration > PT Configuration > Process step > 'Name' > Definition > Section time setpoint

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