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IPC Commissioning - First Steps

  1. Establish power supply using included power supply unit

  2. Enter network cable

  3. Perform network setup
    Option 1: IP address of the IPC is assigned automatically.
    Option 2: IP address of the IPC must be assigned manually, since it is not assigned automatically.

The IPC must be in the same network as the JUMO variTRON (PLC) connected to it.

Optionally, a desired DNS name can be assigned at this point, e.g: (Standard on delivery

4. Calling up the JUMO smartWARE Evaluation software application using a browser via IP address or DNS name. The application can be called via IPC or alternatively via a PC that is located in the same network. Enclosed an example

Optionally, a wildcard CA certificate can be stored in smartWARE so that the browser classifies the page as trustworthy in the user's own domain (a self-signed certificate is supplied as standard).

5. Click on JUMO smartWARE Evaluation and enter the user name: Master and the password: 9200

6. Subsequently, the further steps can be carried out according to the Quickstart Guide .

Default user account of the IPC at delivery: User jumo with password jumo

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