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How do I enter a user in the computer management group section docker-users?

  1. Open Computer Management

  2. Navigate to System/Local Users and Groups/Groups

  3. Open docker-users

In this example, the Docker installation could only be performed by the administrator Install_FB. To run Docker with the normal user, it was necessary to add the user JUMO\User later.
To do this, as an example, add the user as follows: YOUR_DOMAIN\user_name

Access denied!
Due to missing permissions, adding the user via the user interface may result in "Access denied!". In this case, the user can be added to docker-users via a console, such as Windows PowerShell. This console must be run as administrator.

net localgroup docker-users "DOMAIN\your-user-id" /ADD

Thus, the command from the above example is as follows: net localgroup docker-users "JUMO\User" /ADD

The domain "JUMO" is only an example here, you must use the domain name of your network.

Then, if necessary, reboot Windows and perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Docker container

  2. Settings

  3. Resources


  5. Ubuntu-20.04

  6. Switch / activate bar.

IMPORTANT!! "Use Docker Compose V2" in the General menu item must NOT be enabled.

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